A.S. Prilepin was a Soviet weightlifting coach who kept meticulous notes of over a thousand of training logs of his trainees. The result of these notes? A general guideline for strength training that people still use to this day. The Chart: Percentages, Sets, and Reps Prilepin’s chart was designed for powerlifters, but the strength training […]
What Should You Focus On During Recovery?
“This next question’s from ‘Che’…” To say I got unreasonably excited was an understatement. I texted most of my friends who might have had a clue as to who Kelly Starrett was. He had chosen to answer my question on the Tim Ferriss show! Kelly Starrett is a coach and physical therapist. He created MobilityWOD […]
Seeking Adversity
A person’s relationship to adversity generally falls into three areas: 1: Avoid it and stay comfortable; 2: Endure it but dislike it; and 3: Embrace it and seek it. In general, from the beginning of the athlete or top performer’s career in to the time an athlete or top performer in any field tries to […]